弗吉尼亚州诺福克. -bet8体育娱乐入口的达顿教育与专业研究学院自豪地向五位杰出校友颁发了2024年达顿校友奖. 这些奖项强调了其毕业生在各个领域取得的卓越专业成就和贡献, 彰显他们的奉献精神, 创新, 以及对社区内外的影响. 这些人不仅在各自的领域中表现出色,而且在他们的专业领域中做出了深刻的贡献. 由我们五个系的老师选出, these alumni are the embodiment of dedication and excellence in their communities. 这是一个重要的荣誉, considering they emerge from a distinguished group of over 42,000 Darden College alumni over the past six decades.

The Darden Fellows awards stand as a beacon of our College's tradition, 认识并尊重这种韧性, 承诺, and exceptional efforts our alumni have invested in reaching remarkable heights. Let us also acknowledge the vital role of support from their families, 朋友, 教育工作者, 导师, 在我们的旅程中更广泛的社区. 

Dean Tammi Dice分享道, “I look forward to seeing more of your accomplishments, 我希望你们知道,你们激励着现在和未来的学生追随自己的激情, 做出有意义的改变, 最终让世界变得更好.”


心理咨询系 & 人类服务

Dr. Traci理查兹
Ph.D. 咨询,2017

Dr. Traci理查兹 is an alumna of the ODU Counselor Education master’s and doctoral 项目, and a member of the ODU Chi Sigma Iota Honor Society, an international and professional academic honor society for counseling students, 辅导员教育工作者, 以及专业咨询师. 她持有LPC和NCC认证.

Dr. 理查兹是精神卫生保健领域的领军人物, 在她的职业生涯中, 通过尖端的社区行为健康服务来满足汉普顿路地区的需求.

She works as a senior manager for Chesapeake Regional Hospital, 她在哪里负责开发和监督针对弱势患者群体的心理健康项目, 并为该地区未来的从业者设计和监督一个综合行为健康培训网站.

Traci also is the owner of Iliad 咨询 服务s LLC, which allows her to further address mental health and substance use in the region. She is a valued adjunct instructor and clinical supervisor in ODU’s training 项目, serves on the Board of Directors of the Tidewater 紧急 Medical 服务s Council, and is a specialist in trauma and crisis intervention for the Western Tidewater Medical Reserve Corps. She is also a past recipient of Chesapeake Regional 健康care’s Beacon Award and Luminary Award.


教育基金学系 & 领导

Dr. 凯尔·威廉姆斯
副警长的归属问题特别顾问, 订婚 和社区 / Dean of Students at Emory University

Dr. 凯尔·威廉姆斯是ODU高等教育硕士课程的校友,并持有Texas a的教育学博士学位&M大学-商科. 在bet8体育娱乐入口就读期间, 他曾在弗吉尼亚海滩的弗吉尼亚卫斯理学院的国际和跨文化项目办公室工作, 以及bet8体育娱乐入口的住宿生活.

Dr. WIlliams currently holds the position of Special Advisor to the Associate Vice President for Belonging, 订婚, 和社区, as well as Dean of Students at Emory University in Atlanta, 乔治亚州. 他的职业生涯一直受到一个始终如一的主题的驱动——在高等教育中,对历史上边缘化和弱势学生的支持和成功的深远影响. They have extensive expertise in crisis management; diversity, 股本, and inclusion (DEI); student conduct; and various other areas. Prior to joining Emory University in spring 2022, he served as dean of students at Oglethorpe University, 在那里,他帮助扩大了bet8九州登录入口团队,并为新成立的学生权利和责任办公室注入了公平和包容的做法. 早些时候, 他曾在华盛顿大学担任学生行为和社区标准助理主任. Louis, Co-Director of the Minority Males Matter Initiative and Area Coordinator at Texas A&M University-Commerce, and Residence Hall Director for the Sophomore Year Experience at The College of New Jersey.


人体运动研究 & 特殊教育


格雷格Mottinger began his career as a 健康 and Physical Education teacher in Norfolk 学校, teaching at both middle and high school levels and coaching soccer. 在他职业生涯的早期, he developed a curriculum for Lifetime 健康 and 健康, provided professional development training in the “Response to Intervention Model”, directed the “Sharp Mentoring Program” to empower students, 实施了“积极行为干预和支持(PBIS)”项目,在社区的支持下塑造积极的学校文化.

After completing his Master’s Degree from ODU in Educational 领导, where he was named Outstanding 领导 Student of the Year, he was selected and completed the Aspiring Principals Academy. He transitioned to high school administration as assistant principal at Norview High School. 他曾担任暑期学校校长, 监督各个内容区域, 定向特殊教育服务, worked with “Project Graduation” targeting at-risk seniors, 合作维持科学与教育教育领导中心(LCSE)的卓越表现, and integrated a robust Positive Behavioral Intervention and 支持s program.

他在帮助诺维尤大学获得弗吉尼亚州教育部的全面认可方面发挥了重要作用, 获得Cognia认证, and be named one of US Weekly 学校' best high schools in the country. Gregg在ODU担任夏季领导力会议的定期讲师,与同事保持着良好的关系, 担任会议策划委员会委员, 并指导多名ODU实习教师. 他在社区中也很活跃, serving on the Norfolk Parks and 娱乐 Commission, 指挥小海滩FC. Academy Soccer Club, and serving as a coaching instructor for US Youth Soccer.


STEM教育系 & 专业的研究

Dr. 詹妮弗·斯科特·布朗
Ph.D. with a Concentration in Instructional Design and 技术, 2017

成为图书馆馆长之前, 布朗是萨福克公共图书馆的社区学习经理,并在弗吉尼亚海滩公共图书馆的青年服务部门开始了她的图书馆生涯.

布朗通过倡导非正式学习机会的系统设计和发展,将图书馆学和教学设计学科相结合, staff training through coaching and apprenticeship, 通过设计以社区和用户为中心的图书馆服务,利用设计模型识别社区需求, 项目, 和集合.

自2018年以来,布朗一直是bet8体育娱乐入口图书馆与信息研究的兼职助理教授,自2019年以来一直在该项目的顾问委员会任职, 协助该项目成为弗吉尼亚州唯一获得美国图书馆协会认证的项目. 布朗目前担任弗吉尼亚图书馆领导学院(VALLA)的主席,该学院旨在发展全州所有组织层面的图书馆领导能力, and is also the current president-elect for the Virginia Public Library Directors Association. She received her MSLIS from Syracuse University in 2010, 她的历史学学士学位, and BS in Interdisciplinary Studies from bet8体育娱乐入口 in 2008, 是唐娜·G. 2019年度科特图书管理员.


教学系 & 学习

Bachelor of Science in Education, Interdisciplinary Studies (4th – 8th Grade Science & 社会研究,2000
City Councilman and Principal of Granby High School

托马斯·汤米·斯米吉尔 is the principal of Granby High School. He previously served as the principal of the Academy for Discovery at Lakewood. 他在2007年被评为诺福克年度教师,并被选为2008年弗吉尼亚年度教师, and one of four finalists for National Teacher of the Year. 他曾在诺维尤高中教授地球科学和领导力,并在泰勒湖高中担任副校长. Mr. 斯米吉尔于2010年当选为市议会议员. He co-chairs the East Little Creek Road Task Force and the Mayor’s Ocean View Task Force. 2019年10月8日,Mr. Smigiel被选为弗吉尼亚州市政联盟(VML)的第100任主席,并担任2020-2021年执行委员会的前任主席. 他曾担任教育咨询委员会的bet8体育娱乐入口达顿学院的成员,并在基督教青年会的青年咨询委员会任职. 作为诺福克的终身居民,他就读于圣. 庇护十世天主教学校, 毕业于诺维尤高中, and received a bachelor’s degree in Education from bet8体育娱乐入口, 他在那里担任学生会主席. He later earned a master’s degree in administration from Cambridge College. Mr. Smigiel因其在教育方面的工作而被授予2009年bet8体育娱乐入口杰出校友奖. In 2015, he was recognized by Inside Business as a Top 40 Under 40 Leader in Hampton Roads. 作为一名行政人员. Smigiel has worked in all aspects of school leadership and management. He particularly enjoys working with teachers on increasing their pedagogical content knowledge, 帮助学生发挥潜能, 建立强大和包容的学校文化, and increasing parental/community involvement at the school. Mr. 斯米吉尔当了六年副校长, serving at both Granby and Lake Taylor High 学校. 2014年7月, 他被选为规划负责人,在前拉斐特-威诺纳中学开发一个新的全市彩票专业项目. In 2015, 莱克伍德的探索学院(ADL)向来自全市的600多名三年级到八年级的学生敞开了大门. 学校最终发展到750名学生, 专注于基于项目的学习,并成为一个完全授权的国际学士学位中期课程. In 2019, ADL被弗吉尼亚州教育部认定为持续改进模范学校和紫星学校奖.